martes, 14 de agosto de 2018

Behind the Myth

Zeitgeist is an interesting documentary about the figure of Jesus, son of God and the characteristics that connect him with the mythologies of cultures such as the Egyptian or Persian.

The great story of the birth of Christ seems to be a lie !!! I'm sorry Maybe it's not that but I am surprised by the relationship of the myth of the birth of Jesus with the birth of the god Horus. Both divine figures were born on December 25 and also both died on the cross and then resuscitated on the third day. That seems too coincidental.

But the documentary explains to us that these points in common are due to the fact that religions have an origin in astrology. Zetgeist says that both Jesus and Horus symbolically represent the stars. We are told in the video that the life of Jesus is the representation of the movements of the stars